Saturday, October 4, 2014

BOOK REVIEW - White Trash Zombie Apocolypse by Diana Rowland

This book is spellbinding. The probability of zombies being real can make so much more sense when you think of it as a virus or "parasite" as they call it in this book. It goes through as an attack on the zombie population, which no human knows about. Angel, a new zombie, has a job at the county morgue. Any guesses why she would wanna be there!? LOL. The beginning of the book goes through her normal everyday life. Dead bodies and crime scenes are nothing for this girl. Originally a junkie, she's reformed herself. Much of the help belonging to the fact that zombies can't ingest toxins without sickening/killing the host parasite. So no smoking or drinking or doing drugs for Angel.
As the story pulls forward you see that the zombie population seems to have there own crisis right now. Zombies...and humans being kidnapped for testing. Humans being turned by rogue parasites. Angel was forced to turn a human, which then got messed up with a bad parasite.

In the whole storyline of this book I don't think there was a single dull moment. You see Angel struggle and then succeed. It gives a feeling, that anything is possible if you just work hard and keep trying.

This actually ended up being the third book in a series that is so far just three. But even without reading the first 2 books. You can read this and not really have to worry about the others. Everything is explained perfectly and in the right amount. There are some great details that Diana Rowland (the author) has added, that make this book perfect.

I bought this book and listened to it off Audible. So if your interested, click HERE to go straight to this book on Audible. It's seriously a great listen/read. No matter how you get it. Get this book!

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