Thursday, January 11, 2018

What 80s RomComs Taught Us About Life & Love

The 80's were full time. Full of big hair, crazy future fashions and THE BEST romantic Comedies film had ever seen. They taught us about life and love and who we wanted to be!....Molly Ringwald. Molly Ringwald was honestly 80s RomCom royalty. Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink. She seriously had it made. Therefore, if you love 80s RomCom, you must automatically think of Molly Ringwald! But I promise you; I'm not here to talk about how awesome Molly is (although I really could!) Let's just talk about what we learned from 80's Romcoms.

Don't change for ANYONE...No matter what! -  Pretending to be someone you're not just to fit into a different social circle (Sixteen Candles) or get someone new to like you will never work. If someone doesn't like you for who you are, they aren't worth knowing. Besides, let's be honest. How long can you keep something like that up? Eventually, you're going to slip up, and they're going to see you as a lier.

Take chances! You never know what could happen - How many times have we REALLY wanted something, but we're too afraid to go for it? (Look Who's Talking) Sometimes, you just need to take a chance on someone or something. You never know, you might just get what you want. Either way, the results go, you will learn something to take with you on this road we call life!

If it FEELS right....Don't fight it! - We make much of an assumption on what is "OK" or "normal." Sometimes, the adage of opposites attracts all we need to know (The Breakfast Club). So if it's someone or something that feels right, but doesn't quite fit our perceptions of "status quo." GO FOR IT.

Nothing worth fighting for is ever easily attainable - If you are one of the lucky people that barely have to work for what they want. Kudos to you. That's not the majority of pop. Earth though. Which is why if you want something, sometimes you have to fight for it ( The Princess Bride)

I know there are many more lessons to learn from 80s Romcoms, but let's stop here. Tell me in the comments what you have learned from 80s Romcoms. I would love to hear them!

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